
Deloitte publications update

02 Jul 2011

The following Deloitte publications are now available:

Global Publications

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  • MSSF dla spółek giełdowych — 2011/03 (PDF 493k), IFRS for Public Companies, a Polish language newsletter. This issue highlights IASB activities in the first quarter of 2011, and revenue recalculation for the technology industry.

Deloitte (United States)


The IAS Plus Interviews – Hans Hoogervorst, New IASB Chairman

01 Jul 2011

Hans Hoogervorst has taken over the Chairmanship of the IASB from Sir David Tweedie. In an extensive interview with Robert Bruce he talks about how wants to shape the IASB of the future.

Hans Hoogervorst, the new Chairman of the International Accounting Standards Board is, on paper, a very different character to his predecessor, Sir David Tweedie. Tweedie had spent more than twenty years trying to bring order to financial reporting, first in the UK, and then across the world. He was steeped in accounting and knew, as he would tell you, where all the bodies were buried. Hoogervorst is a former Dutch Minister of Finance and securities regulator. He has chaired the technical committee of IOSCO, the global stock markets organisation.

But all these speak of an ability to get things done. And what he shares with Tweedie is important too. Both Hoogervorst and Tweedie place a high premium on drilling complex issues down to their essentials, expressing those essentials clearly and then using that gift to drive the logic towards sensible decisions.

Hoogervorst's view of his priorities makes this clear. The long-awaited decision by the US regulatory body, the SEC, over moving towards IFRS as the US standard hangs over everything. But the IASB is a global body. And that is where the focus lies. 'I think that obviously this is going to be an extremely important year for the future of IFRS with the decision that the United States is going to make', he says. 'Whatever that decision is going to be, we will have to invest a lot to strengthen the sense of ownership internationally in the IASB'.

He puts it in context. 'The reach of the IASB, the IFRS organization as a whole, grew extremely fast. Our responsibilities grew extremely fast, much faster than anybody had anticipated, including ourselves. I think we have to strengthen our infrastructure both in terms of us as an organization and the international infrastructure. I think the reorganization, the rebalancing of the monitoring board, is not just a necessary evil, I think it is positively a very good development and I hope it will increase the voice of our new members, especially in Asia and Latin America. I think the perception that the IASB is too much of a get-together between the United States and Europe is something that is not true but if the perception is there it needs to be redressed'.

And the emphasis on principles being paramount will remain. 'Accounting is based on principles', he says. 'I do believe that an emphasis on clearly articulated principles is superior because it forces people using the standards to think for themselves and it creates fewer opportunities to bend the rules, or to game the rules. If you look at the last, and still current, financial crisis, you do see again that this is the case. Let's not overstate the differences between US GAAP and IFRS. It is not as if US GAAP doesn't have principles and we don't have rules. In my previous life I was a regulator and our legislation was also principle based and my experiences with that that were very good'.

Hoogervorst is also clear that the pursuit of the underlying economic reality in financial reporting is not always going to lead to precise results. But he sees no reason for there to be any tension between the economic effects and the technical accounting. 'I don't think there should be a tension between the two', he says. 'I think the way I look at accounting is that it is basically an economic exercise. When you look at the fundamental principles of IFRS they are very clearly micro-economic principles. So what we try to do is to depict economic reality as faithfully as possible based on the institution, the financial institution, the company. So clearly this is an economic exercise. The main difficulty is that there is a lot of judgment involved. It is not perfect nor an exact science. We try to make it as exact as possible, and that is what we should do, but to value assets and liabilities is extremely difficult and markets don't always have the answer, or they give a different answer every day. So it is just like economic science, it is not an exact science, as has been shown in the last crisis, which almost no economist had been able to predict. We had the same problem. The basic quest for economic 'truth' as we seek it in accounting is what is most difficult and we have to accept that we cannot always be precise and there can be a danger in trying to be too precise in matters which do need judgment'.

The resolution of these issues and the judgement involved can lead to friction. The skill is to try and resolve those. Hoogervorst wants neutrality. 'Our standards should be neutral because they should simply reflect what is there', is his starting-point. 'They should describe the economic reality as it is. I don't think our job is to try to attain, or to have, economic effects. It should be neutral. You want the accounting to describe economic volatility where it exists, but not to be the source it. I think that is what people ask us to do but what people also ask us to do, and which we cannot comply with, is if they have a certain business method, which is not necessarily based on transparency, which they would like us to help them to continue not being transparent'.

In speeches across the last few years Hoogervorst has also analysed the different needs of regulators and standard-setters. He sees resolution up ahead in the future. 'I have raised this issue in many speeches and I have been very critical of the banking regulators', he says. 'But I think we are growing together in our points of view. I think the basis for capital requirements in the new Basel rules is coming much closer to our regular accounting standards, for example the leverage ratio is based on capital as we calculate it, and not the figures that the Basel ratios often were. So I think we are coming together'.

And he sees the IASB moving toward resolution as well. 'On our part the move that we have made is that we have looked again at the incurred loss model which gave too much discretion to not taking timely write-offs on your loan portfolio, not impairing losses until it was really late', he says. I think the incurred loss model gives you too much discretion to book losses if you read it in certain ways it also gives you discretion to avoid booking losses. So we proposed to move from an incurred loss model to an expected loss approach. Banking regulators want it and we agree'.

But this brings him to the wider issue. 'What we cannot do is make stable that which is not stable', he says. 'I think the financial industry will find itself in an extremely volatile environment for the next decade at least and there is not so much we can do about that. When I see the insurance industry, they basically want almost all of their assets and liabilities to be run through Other Comprehensive Income. If you experience all this volatility and just present a stable profit and loss, is that going to convince investors? Is that going to increase your price earnings ratio, which everybody knows is now very low for insurance companies because nobody trusts the figures?'

With an SEC decision due later in the year over whether the US will incorporate IFRS or not, the progress of the convergence programme of IFRS and US GAAP will be a major issue for Hoogervorst and the IASB over the next few months. Again, he is optimistic that pragmatism can win the day. 'I think convergence has gone and is going well', he says. 'I have now experienced a couple of meetings with FASB board members. I am impressed by their intellect and the depth of their technical resources, but I can guarantee it is not easy for two boards, two different stakeholder groups, to work together. But I think we are doing the best that we can and with a lot of results. It is obvious that we are not going to finish everything by the end of the year but the SEC indicated that that is not the main issue. They want to see progress, but not to the detriment of quality. That is, for example, why we decided to re-expose our revenue recognition proposals. That will lead to a certain delay in issuing the final standard but we want to make absolutely sure that we get it right. It is a very important standard and I believe we can show to the world we have come a long way, 95-99% of the way, but we just want to make sure that every dot, every iota is correct. So I think we are moving along well. On financial instruments we are making good progress in our discussions with the FASB, but it is still a little bit too early to tell whether the outstanding differences can be resolved.

He feels that his background as a former Dutch Minister of Finance helps. 'The best thing is always to anticipate', he says.' And if you can anticipate you can avoid a lot of problems. I know that to be successful, first you have to know exactly where you want to go and you also have to be able to accept that you cannot always get a perfect solution. But as long as you get a good portion of the ideal situation of where you would like to be then you can achieve a lot.'

His predecessor, Sir David Tweedie, was known for having some difficulties with continental Europe, particularly in the early days of the adoption of IFRS by European countries. Hoogervorst is cheerful that those days are in the past. 'You know', he says, 'you often quarrel the most with the ones who are closest to you. And obviously Europe has been a very important part of our family since the endorsement by Europe and has been instrumental in the growth of our organisation and of our influence. And there will be further quarrels and sometimes conflicts but let's not forget they endorsed 99% of our work. And I have just paid a visit to the Commission, and I have known the people at the Commission for a long time, and they are really good people. The power of argument counts for a lot. Also they are vulnerable to pressures, even when they would not like to be vulnerable to them. I am sure that most of the relationships will be constructive'.

This all ties in with arguments over the independence of the IASB, a private sector body dispensing public standards. Hoogervorst is just as forthright about independence as Sir David was. 'I've always said complete independence does not exist. Independence needs to be earned and independence can be earned by the quality of your work and your capability of listening to the outside world, taking all the valid arguments on board, but also showing your strength and independence when you simply disagree', he says.

He is also determined to answer one of the broad criticisms of the IASB that its standards have become far too complex. He wants to make them less so.

'That would certainly be one of my firm wishes, if we can do so', he says, and unveils a plan. 'Is there any way we can reduce the disclosure requirements without reducing usefulness? The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants have conducted some research on this topic and we intend to discuss their findings in the next few weeks', he says. 'They have modelled some ideas and we have asked them to put them down on paper. This is also a good example of how we would like to co-operate with national standard setters. I am really looking forward to their proposals and hopefully we can do something with that. On the other hand, it is simply the truth that, look at a bank's balance sheet compared with what they looked like 30 years ago, the complexity is not because of accounting. They became much more complicated because banking has become much more complicated. The same goes for many other businesses. The world is complicated and we are not going to change that but where we can simplify things we will do so. If there is one thing where I have always been able to show strength in my political and regulatory career it has been to make more complex things simpler. I am not saying simple, but more simple. So that would definitely be one of my goals'.

And finally I asked what he thought would be the legacy of his predecessor, Sir David Tweedie. 'I think it is much bigger than he himself envisaged 10 years ago', he says. 'People think that should the United States come to a negative conclusion, which I don't expect, obviously that will be a severe setback but I do not think that is the end of the story because look at how much traction we have gained, all over the Americas, Canada, most of Latin America are onboard; a lot of Asian countries are on board or on the verge of getting on board, China has not fully adopted but its standards are extremely close to ours. 'There is no way they are ever going to move in another direction. So I think the momentum is such that yes, we can have setbacks, but I think ultimately there is only one accounting language. The world language is going to be IFRS and it is going to be achieved, if not very soon then later. David is leaving a legacy he can be proud of and I am proud to be taking care of it.

July 2011

Updated IASB work plan

01 Jul 2011

The IASB has published an updated work plan, outlining the expecting finalisation of its projects, with many of the major projects not expected to result in a finalised IFRS until 2012.

The following is a summary of the revised timing of projects:

  • Revenue recognition – re-exposure in the third quarter of 2011 (as previously announced), target date for a completed IFRS in the first half of 2012
  • Leases – also to be re-exposed in the third quarter of 2011, with a target date of completed IFRS in the first half of 2012
  • Financial instruments:
  • Consolidation – exposure draft on investment companies to be published in July (on the same day as the FASB proposals)
  • Insurance contracts – re-exposure of a review draft expected in the fourth quarter of 2011, with a target date of a completed IFRS in the first half of 2012
  • Agenda consultation – a Request for Views arising from the three-yearly public consultation on the IASB's future technical agenda is expected in the third quarter of 2011.

Click for access to the updated workplan (link to the IASB website).

The Bruce Column — The changing of the guard

01 Jul 2011

After a decade under Sir David Tweedie the IASB has a new Chairman. Robert Bruce, our resident regular columnist, assesses the prospects for change under the new Hans Hoogervorst regime.

The changing of the guard down at the IASB has been portrayed as something seismic. Dutch politician takes over from Scottish accountant. But the reality is much more nuanced. The Economist magazine saluted the outgoing Chairman, Sir David Tweedie, as 'the profession's towering figure' and accountancy's 'rock star'. The incoming Chairman, Hans Hoogervorst, has been the Dutch finance minister and health minister in his time, as well as heading up the Dutch securities regulator and chairing the technical committee of IOSCO, the world stock exchange body. No shortage of expertise or experience there. And Hoogervorst is backed up by the obdurate technical skills of his new deputy, Ian Mackintosh, as well.

This was supposed to be a changeover which would coincide with a different world view of IFRS. The idea had been that convergence with US standards and all the changes to existing standards which the IASB undertook to prove its ability to the G20 and other regulators in the aftermath of the financial crisis would be signed off by this point. Tweedie would have sorted out all the loose ends and nailed down the problem standards which were due to deal with the big beasts of leasing and insurance, for example. He would have achieved his oft-proclaimed desire to eventually fly on an aircraft which was on the airline's balance sheet. Had all this been achieved it would have allowed Hoogervorst a clean break and a clean slate with which to deal with the decision by the US regulatory authorities to whether join the IFRS family, and with a future work programme which would feel no pressures from crisis aftermath and which could look, in a more relaxed fashion, at the way ahead.

No such luck. If things are difficult then that is because they are difficult and they will always take longer to sort out than people hope. In their heart of hearts everyone involved has known for at least six months that the deadline of end-June for having all the hard work done was unrealistic. The work-load at the IASB has been astonishing and the hours worked have been long. There should be no shame in not having wrapped it all up. Tweedie's view as he stepped down of, 'that's life', is the right one. As a result the early days of Hoogervorst's chairmanship will seem to be more of the same for a good while. But the remark reveals a profound understanding of what lies underneath.

There is a view that after the current hard slog through difficult issues is achieved somehow life will be different. The sunlit uplands will have been reached. Utopia will have been created in a green and pleasant land of IFRS. But the truth is that yearning for utopia doesn't always get you there. Life is complex. And the role of a global standard-setter is to deal with difficult and seemingly intransigent problems. It will always involve long hours and difficult, if not impossible, decisions. And this is where the skills of both Tweedie and Hoogervorst are so similar. Both see transparency as one of the main answers. Both see pragmatism as the way to get there. Transparency is a contributor to stability. Both take the view that it is the ability of IFRS as a global financial reporting language to make things clear and to allow better and easier business transactions to be made around the world and across borders which is the most important element. As Tweedie said in his interview with IAS Plus at the end of his Chairmanship: 'This game is all about change management. You can say it's technical but how far can you go technically? It's pragmatism'.

Take the recent outbreak of people arguing about bank losses and when they should be recognised. It is an impossibly complex argument and bringing the IFRS and US GAAP systems together is a long way off the simple process which outsiders blithely claim is possible. And it carries the warning that it could simply take bank reporting back to the dark days which people with long memories remember only too well. Loosening the rules and allowing provisioning more or less at will takes you rather too close to the old days when banks could invent what suited them and smooth everything in sight. No outsider, investor or regulator, had a clue what was going on.

The same goes for the difficult, if not insurmountable, problem of bringing the views of the IASB and the US standard-setting body, FASB, together, on hedging, for example. The issues are not just technical. They are cultural as well. And that makes the whole process astonishingly difficult to unravel and overcome.

So that is why, particularly at the outset, the Hoogervorst era is likely to be more of the same. The surprise is that anyone should have thought it might be otherwise. It would be much better to look at where the whole global financial reporting world is now. The process has a critical mass. The US, one hopes, even if in a very conservative and tentative fashion, is likely to come on board. With the largest countries on board it will be harder for anyone else to come up with a coherent argument to stay out. Even India, after Tweedie, in a coup de theatre, abandoned his prepared speech at the recent Bali conference and tore into the Indian arguments about carve-outs, is likely to find a way into the fold.

And there are smaller victories, which are no less far-reaching. The IASB has shown how a private sector body, driven strongly by a public interest ethos, can bring about real global change. And that is reflected by its efforts in its own organisation. Talking with Tweedie at the end of his tenure it became obvious that one of his proudest achievements was the creation of a staff at the IASB which really exemplified the global nature of the challenge. They were, he said, brilliant young people, from all over the world, working together, technically terrific, full of ideas, cerebral and with a real esprit de corps.

Much of the energy within the IASB has come not just from Tweedie's own qualities but from that microcosm of global endeavour which has driven the revolution which has stretched out around the world. Hoogervorst, whatever may be said about his immediate tasks, is well placed to embed IFRS securely around the world.

Robert Bruce
July 2011

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Changing of the guard at the IASB

01 Jul 2011

Today sees the changing of the guard at the IASB.

Sir David Tweedie's ten-year tenure as Chairman came to an end at midnight in London and a new Chairman took over. To mark this event IAS Plus brings its readers an exclusive and extensive interview with Hans Hoogervorst, the new IASB Chairman, while Robert Bruce, regular resident columnist for IAS Plus, provides an assessment of the prospects for change.

Hoogervorst talks of the need to strengthen the sense of ownership internationally in the IASB, in particular in Asia and Latin America. He emphasises the need for standards to be principle-based and rooted in economic reality. He talks of the problems of Other Comprehensive Income and the difficulties of the insurance industry. He says it is too early to tell whether outstanding differences with FASB over financial instruments can be resolved. And he is emphatic that 'ultimately there is only one accounting language. The world language is going to be IFRS', he said.

Robert Bruce argues that following the change in Chairmanship the fundamental qualities of independence, transparency and pragmatism will remain and with an emphasis on truly global objectives the embedding of IFRS securely around the world is likely to accelerate. But there are exceptionally difficult times ahead.

Click for:


US SEC releases details of upcoming Roundtable on IFRS

01 Jul 2011

United States Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced the panelists and final agenda for the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Roundtable to be held in Washington, DC on 7 July 2011.

The agenda indicates that three separate panels will be held:

  • Panel 1: Investor Understanding and Knowledge of IFRS – including discussion on the extent, logistics, and timing necessary to undertake changes to improve investor understanding of IFRS and potential methods of incorporation
  • Panel 2: Smaller Public Companies – including discussion on the nature and frequency of capital market activities, costs and benefits of potential IFRS incorporation, the potential methods of incorporation, and FASB's convergence agenda
  • Panel 3: Regulatory Environment – including discussion on the current use of U.S. GAAP financial information, steps required and timing necessary to undertake changes to regulation, benefits and challenges, and factors to reduce the costs and efforts of a potential transition to IFRS.

The roundtable discussion will begin at 10 a.m. (US Eastern time) and will be available by webcast on the SEC website. The webcast also will be archived for later viewing.

Click for more information (link to the SEC website).

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