COVID-19: US and Canada cross-border trade, the economy, and implications for CFOs

When Apr 14, 2020
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As Canada’s largest trading partner, what impact is being felt on both sides of the border during a decelerated economy and period of mass disruption?

Slightly more than a decade after the Great Recession, COVID-19 has brought back the dreaded "R" word to haunt executives in the global economy. The practice of social distancing to slow the contagion has abruptly and sharply curtailed economic activity around the world. Moreover, it is becoming clear that in both Canada and the US, a recession of significant depth emerged in the first quarter of 2020 and may continue for an uncertain period.

Join us on April 14 for a special edition webcast where our guest panel from Deloitte US will discuss:

  • US and Canada cross-border trade and impacts currently felt from COVID-19
  • Economic analysis of news and trends from the US
  • Insights from US public company CFOs: moving from respond to recover

Joining this webcast will be Sandy Cockrell, Deloitte’s Global CFO Program Leader, and Dr. Ira Kalish, Deloitte’s Global Chief Economist.


For more information or if you have difficulty accessing the webcast, please contact Allan Kirkpatrick at

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