Responding to COVID-19: A CIO perspective – Implications of remote work

When Mar 25, 2020
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Insights for technology executives webinar series

Technology Leaders—as ever—are in a unique position: being on the frontline of decision-making and implementation around the evolving COVID-19 pandemic.

Indeed, they have a pivotal responsibility to help lead through this crisis with their knowledge and the power of technology, and they must prioritize their efforts. The organization’s business resiliency depends on its technologies and systems, and tech leaders should assume the role of a crisis leader.

We invite you to join us for your choice of two exclusive CIO perspectives webinar series, both focusing on the following 5 topics:

  1. Remote work
  2. People and talent
  3. Business continuity activation
  4. Supplier, vendor and contract implications
  5. Financial implications

The webinars are scheduled for every Wednesday, between March 25th and April 22nd.

Dates: Mar 25, Apr 1, Apr 8, Apr 15, Apr 22

Time: 11 a.m. ET (open to global participants); and 2 p.m. ET (open to Canadian participants)

Canadian series

Register (This link will be activated at the time of the webcast)

Global series


For more information or have difficulty accessing the webcast, please contact Allan Kirkpatrick at

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