Responding to COVID-19: Insights for audit committees
As the effect of COVID-19 on businesses and the economy continues to develop, audit committees should consider the impact on their oversight of management controls concerning financial reporting, financial reporting implications, auditor oversight and regulatory and other financial risks.
Join us on April 1 for a live webcast where our panel will discuss the latest developments related to COVID-19 and provide tangible insights to help you in your oversight obligations in helping companies respond, recover and thrive.
We’ll discuss:
- Canadian economic update | Craig Alexander, Chief economist
- View from the Audit Committee | Jane Kinney, Director
- Accounting, financial reporting & securities implications | Lara Gaede, Partner, Audit & Assurance
- Audit issues | Tim Wilson, Partner, Audit & Assurance
- MDA & Investor Relations | Janet Craig, Executive Director, Investor & Stakeholder Relations Assurance
- Q&A
The webcast will be facilitated by Jacklyn Mercer, Partner, Audit & Assurance.
Join webcast (This link will be activated at the time of the webcast)
For more information or if you have difficulty accessing the webcast, please contact Allan Kirkpatrick at