AcSB Decision Summary – March 8-9, 2023

Start date:

End date:

Location: Toronto

In March 2023, the Ac­count­ing Stan­dards Board (AcSB) re­leased an ex­ec­u­tive sum­mary of dis­cus­sions and de­ci­sions with re­spect to the top­ics ad­dressed at this meet­ing.

The fol­low­ing top­ics were dis­cussed:


  • Crypto-asset Activities

Rel­e­vance of Fi­nan­cial Re­port­ing

  • Scal­ing the Stan­dards
  • Sustainability Reporting

Standards for Pension Plans

  • Pension Plans

Due Process

AcSB’s Ad­vi­sory Com­mit­tees and Work­ing Groups:

  • User Ad­vi­sory Com­mit­tee
  • AcSB’s Annual Plan
  • AcSB’s Performance Report

Re­view the Ex­ec­u­tive Sum­mary on the AcSB's Web site.

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