IASB Update – October 22-24, 2019

Start date:

End date:

Location: London

On October 25, 2019, the International Accounting Standards Board (the Board) issued the Update summary of its meeting held on October 22-24, 2019.

The topics for discussion were:

  • Implementation matters
  • Business Combinations under Common Control
  • Management Commentary
  • Amendments to IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts
  • IBOR Reform and the Effects on Financial Reporting
  • Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity
  • Dynamic Risk Management
  • SME Standard Review and Update
  • Subsidiaries that are SMEs
  • Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (Amendments to IAS 8)

Review the IASB Update and podcast on the Board's Web site.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.