September 2021

A year of connection, action, and impact: Deloitte's 2021 Global Impact Report

Sep 30, 2021

Throughout the past year, Deloitte found new ways to maintain connections—the lifeblood of our organization—and developed measures to strengthen those connections, quantify our global impact and advance societal progress.

Review the report on our global website.

AASB research into executive remuneration disclosure requirements

Sep 30, 2021

In September 2021, the Staff of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) published "Review of Executive Remuneration Disclosure Requirements".

The review was undertaken to understand the current disclosure requirements in relation to executive remuneration that extend beyond disclosures of the total remuneration of key management personnel required under IAS 24, Related Party Disclosures. Australian executive remuneration disclosure requirements were compared to eight overseas jurisdictions for for-profit (listed), not-for-profit and public sector entities to provide further input into the public discussion on this topic.

The research shows that a large number of similarities exist across the jurisdictions, as well as a number of significant differences in the breadth and depth of the information required to be disclosed. Only two jurisdictions (Australia and Germany) currently require the disclosed remuneration information to be audited and only two countries (Australia and South Africa) require the remuneration information presented outside financial statements to be measured in accordance with the relevant accounting standards.

Review the full paper on the AASB's website.

AcSB Response – Business Combinations under Common Control

Sep 07, 2021

On August 25, 2021, the Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) responded to the IASB’s Discussion Paper, issued in November 2020.

The AcSB’s letter generally supports the proposed accounting model for business combinations under common control as it will increase the usefulness, understandability, and comparability of an entity’s financial statements. The letter provides suggestions in certain areas to ease concerns with applying the proposals.

Review the letter on the IASB's website.

AcSB Response – FASB Invitation to Comment – Agenda Consultation

Sep 29, 2021

On September 21, 2021, the Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) responded to the Financial Accounting Standard Board’s (FASB) Invitation to Comment, issued in June 2021.

The AcSB’s letter focuses on the most significant financial reporting issues and makes recommendations that will seek to narrow differences in financial reporting outcomes globally.

Review the letter.

IASB Chair addresses WSS meeting

Sep 27, 2021

On September 27, 2021, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Chair Andreas Barckow delivered his inaugural speech at the World Standard Setters (WSS) conference that is currently being held in a virtual format. His key topics were his first impressions in his new role as IASB Chair, the IASB's agenda for the coming years, and the relationship between the IASB and national standard setters.

Mr. Barckow, who is the former president of the German standard setter ASCG, noted that his previous role had prepared him well for the new job as "technical issues are technical issues, wherever you sit". However, he also noted that working for a global standard setter means building consensus and creating standards that work globally, which would be more difficult given the wider variety of economic backgrounds and reporting challenges. Concluding his remarks on his experience in his new role, Mr. Barckow noted that as IASB Chair he would surely want to "make my mark, set out my ideas and pursue my priorities", but he noted that given the enduring pandemic and its consequences on everybody's lives he counted as one of the first big successes of his chairmanship that the changeover from his predecessor Hans Hoogervorst has been effective, seamless and quiet.

Mr. Barckow then turned to the IASB's agenda for the coming years and in this context noted the IASB agenda consultation and consultations and changes in general, the interaction with the new possible sister board ISSB, and intangibles. On the agenda consultation, he noted, while the Board was seeking feedback on areas of focus, on criteria for new projects and on possible new projects themselves, the IASB has an ongoing work plan based on feedback to the previous agenda consultation and also needs to allocate resources to undertake post-implementation reviews of major standards. Mr. Barckow also noted that the IASB has to be mindful of how many consultations and how much change it imposes on stakeholders.

Working with a sister board, the proposed International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) would also require resources, as Mr. Barckow explained. The necessary connectivity and joined-up standard-setting would mean that each Board commits resources and at the same time benefits from the other Board’s expertise and resources while while acknowledging each other’s independence. Mr. Barckow stressed that working together and developing requirements from joint principles and concepts was, in fact, one of the key selling points for having both Boards in the same organization.

Turning to intangibles, Mr. Barckow noted that IAS 38 Intangible Assets is more than 20 years old and has never been revisited other than for consequential changes resulting from other projects while the significance of intangibles, especially self-generated intangibles, has increased substantially over the last two decades. Therefore, he stated, he would like the IASB to explore what can be done to increase transparency in this area.

Concluding his speech, Mr. Barckow commented on the relationship between the IASB and national standard setters. He noted that as a result of his previous role as national standard setter he could step back and look at the IASB’s work from the perspective of a national standard setter and to identify what is working well and where the IASB can get better. And he had learned in recent years what national standard setters are able to do. Mr Barckow mentioned the many examples of excellent research and outreach by national standard setters he had seen and that he was keen to explore whether the IASB can tap into those capabilities even more. He noted:

National standard-setters are essentially the eyes and ears of the IASB. They also have valuable expertise. You will always be closer to local stakeholders, especially investors, than the IASB can ever be, no matter how much outreach we do. Furthermore, you are more likely to see issues arising in your jurisdiction far sooner and help us to resolve them before they boil up in other jurisdictions as well. You provide a very helpful interface when it comes to the IASB liaising with stakeholders from your jurisdiction — whether in conducting outreach, addressing agenda item requests that have come to the IFRS Interpretations Committee or developing educational material, to name but a few.

And this was, Mr. Barckow concluded, why the relationship with national standard setters will always be an important cornerstone in the IASB's work.

Review the transcript of Mr. Barckow's full speech on the IASB's website.

IASB publishes "Investor Perspectives" article on disclosures in financial statements

Sep 21, 2021

On September 21, 2021, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued the latest issue of "Investor Perspectives". In this edition, IASB Board member Nick Anderson discusses the new approach to developing and drafting disclosure requirements in IFRS Standards.

Specifically, this issue features insight into the proposed approach and discusses some of the changes that investors would see in the financial statements since investors have been calling for better disclosures in financial statements.

Review the press release and Investor Perspectives article on the IASB’s website.

IASB publishes request for information on the post-implementation review of IFRS 9

Sep 30, 2021

On September 30, 2021, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued a request for information (RFI) seeking comments from stakeholders to identify whether the classification and measurement requirements in IFRS 9, "Financial Instruments" provide information that is useful to users of financial statements; whether there are requirements that are difficult to implement and may prevent the consistent implementation of the standard; and whether unexpected costs have arisen in connection with applying or enforcing the standard. Comments are requested by January 28, 2022.

The post-implementation review process for IFRS 9 was officially taken up in October 2020. While the IASB intends to conduct a post-implementation review (PIR) of all parts of IFRS 9, the IASB decided to separate the PIR of the IFRS 9 classification and measurement requirements (including FVOCI equity instruments) from the PIR of the rest of IFRS 9 in order to start the PIR on classification and measurement as soon as possible. The Board intends to take up the PIR of the other sections (impairment and hedge accounting requirements) when more information is available about how the requirements in those sections work in practice.

After discussing feedback from outreach, the Board decided in July 2021 to examine further certain aspects of the following matters:

  • Business model assessment for financial assets
  • Contractual cash flow characteristics assessment for financial assets
  • Option for equity instruments to present fair value changes in other comprehensive income
  • Financial liabilities designated as fair value through profit or loss
  • Modifications to contractual cash flows
  • Transition to IFRS 9

In addition, the IFRS Interpretations Committee received a question on amortized cost and the effective interest method that the Committee suggested to include in the PIR as the question is relevant in a wider context.

Accordingly, the RFI is structured into nine sections:

Classification and measurement — general Asks for a general assessment of whether the classification and measurement requirements in IFRS 9 are working as the Board intended and whether they lead to useful information to users in order to understand. Special focus of this section are the effects of the classification and measurement changes introduced by IFRS 9, including the ongoing costs and benefits in preparing, auditing, enforcing or using information about financial instruments.
Business model for managing financial assets Asks whether the business model assessment is working as the Board intended, whether it can be applied consistently, and whether any unexpected effects have arisen. Special focus of this section is the reclassification of financial assets.
Contractual cash flow characteristics Asks whether the cash flow characteristic assessment is working as the Board intended, whether it can be applied consistently, and whether any unexpected effects have arisen. Special focus of this section are financial assets with sustainability-linked features and contractually linked instruments.
Equity instruments and other comprehensive income Asks whether the option to present fair value changes on investments in equity instruments in other comprehensive income is working as the Board intended, for what equity instruments entities elect to use the option, and whether any unexpected effects have arisen. Special focus of this section is the recycling of gains and losses.
Financial liabilities and own credit Asks whether the requirements in IFRS 9 for presenting the effects of own credit in other comprehensive income is working as the Board intended and whether there are any other matters relating to financial liabilities that the Board should consider.
Modification to contractual cash flows Asks whether the requirements for modifications to contractual cash flows is working as the Board intended and whether they can be applied consistently.
Amortized cost and effective interest method Asks whether the effective interest method is working as the Board intended and whether it can be applied consistently. Special focus of this section are interest rates subject to conditions and estimating future cash flows.
Transition Asks whether the transition requirements worked as the Board intended, whether there were any unexpected effects or challenges resulting from applying the transition requirements, and how those were overcome.
Other matters Asks whether there any other matters that the Board should examine as part of the PIR of the classification and measurement requirements of IFRS 9 and whether there are lessons to be learned from the Board’s approach to developing IFRS 9.

    Review the press release and request for information on the IASB's website.


    IFAC calls on G20 leaders to focus on sustainability reporting

    Sep 15, 2021

    On September 15, 2021, the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) released "Four themes, two actions, one goal: G20 Call to Action 2021" urging G20 leaders to continue their commitment to sustainability, inclusion, prosperity, and global collaboration.

    In order to achieve the goal of a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous economy and society, IFAC describes four areas the G20 should focus on:

    1. Accelerate sustainability and inclusiveness
    2. Recommit to global collaboration
    3. Resist regulatory fragmentation
    4. Focus on public sector transparency and integrity

    IFAC comments that delivering on these will take a concerted effort from policymakers, businesses, other organizations, investors and individuals.

    IFAC believes these priorities require two actions to be taken urgently:

    On the first point, the press release states:

    Momentum is growing around developing a global baseline of sustainability standards, with the IFRS Foundation poised to deliver. IFAC strongly supports this crucial work.

    Review the Call to Action on the IFAC's website.

    IVSC perspectives paper on intangible assets

    Sep 30, 2021

    In September 2021, the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) published a perspectives paper "Time to get Tangible about Intangible Assets" that notes that despite the importance of intangible assets to the capital markets, only a small percentage are recognized on balance sheets.

    In order to support public discussion on this topic, the IVSC is publishing a multi-part article series exploring certain fundamental questions in this area.

    Review the first article The Case for Realigning Reporting Standards with Modern Value Creation on the IVSC's website.

    SEC releases draft taxonomy updates for feedback

    Sep 10, 2021

    In September 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published draft 2021Q4 and 2022 updates to the SEC taxonomies, and now welcomes public comment. These XBRL taxonomies are used for reporting financial data to the SEC via its Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR) system. Comments are requested by November 1, 2021.

    The 2022 draft release updates all standard SEC-maintained taxonomies for acceptance in EDGAR, as part of the Commission’s annual review process. In addition, the draft 2021Q4 release makes modifications to the Document and Entity Information (DEI) taxonomy and the new proposed Closed-End Fund (CEF) taxonomy. It removes certain document- and entity-related concepts from the CEF taxonomy that are already found in the DEI taxonomy, while for the DEI taxonomy it updates certain references and adds concepts for tagging auditor information.

    Review the press release on the SEC's website.

    Correction list for hyphenation

    These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.