State of Play: Study of social disclosures by Canadian public companies

Published on: Feb 28, 2023

Published by: CPA Canada

Attention on the “social” pillar of ESG has become heightened in recent years, amplified in large part by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, social practices and performance are often challenging to assess and quantify due to their complexity.

To better understand the Canadian landscape and provide insight into the nature and extent of social factors being considered, measured and disclosed in the Canadian market, CPA Canada initiated a review of social disclosures of 25 Canadian publicly listed issuers across a range of sectors.

The research study focuses on human capital management, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), community engagement and human rights. Additionally, given its importance in Canada, the research for each of these topics includes a specific focus on disclosure of Indigenous matters.

We identified a range of opportunities to make meaningful advancements with respect to key social matters. The research is intended to be a starting point for discussion on this important area and help Canadian companies of all sizes and sectors enhance their approach to measuring performance on social issues.


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