IFRS in Focus — Closing out 2017

Published on: Jan 22, 2018

This special edition of IFRS in Focus sets out financial reporting issues relevant for years ending December 31, 2017, arising from areas of regulatory focus, changes to accounting standards and the economic environment more broadly.
High on the agenda this year are:

  • Disclosure of the possible effects of new accounting standards, particularly IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers and IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.
  • The reporting of financial performance, including the use of ‘non-GAAP’ or ‘Alternative’ measures.
  • Explanations of the key judgements and estimates applied in financial reporting over items such as, for example, uncertain tax positions.

This publication is accompanied by a podcast providing further insight into the issues raised.

This publication was released by our Global firm.

This publication is accompanied by a podcast providing further insight into the issues raised.


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