Silicon Valley 150 Risk Factor Trends Report

Published on: Aug 16, 2021

The second edition of the Silicon Valley 150 Risk Factor Trends Report summarizes the risk factor disclosure practices of the Valley’s largest public companies.

In August 2020, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted amendments to Item 105, Risk factors, of Regulation S-K, focusing on the length of risk factor disclosure and the use of headings in risk factor disclosure.

This report provides a snapshot of current risk factor disclosure practices of the Lonergan SV150, including total number of pages of risk factors, total number of risk factors, use and number of risk factor headings, the prevalence of the “general risk factor” heading, practices relating to summary risk factor disclosure, and Form 10-Q risk factor disclosure practices. In addition, this report highlights, among other things, some of the key changes in risk factor disclosure practices resulting from the SEC’s adoption of the amendments to Item 105.


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