
Want to evaluate your organization's disclosure controls compliance or see if your writing has fallen victim to the incomprehensible platitudes of corporate jargon? Over the years, Deloitte has developed many different business tools to cover a multitude of needs and services. A few of them are gathered here to help you operate at peak efficiency, meet new legislative requirements, or master new skills — and ultimately be more successful.

Fountain pen 

Annual review guide
A comprehensive financial reporting assessment package.


Recent standard-setting activities
A summary of standard-setting activities in Canada by financial reporting framework.

Blue chair

The Deloitte Learning Academy
High-quality, interactive eLearning courses accessible anytime, anywhere.

  Pile of books

Technical Library (DART)
A comprehensive online library of accounting and financial disclosure literature. Subscription-based service.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.