44-102, Shelf Distributions

Effective date:

December 31, 2000

Published by the CSA:

December 15, 2000


This rule establishes a system for the distribution of securities using a shelf prospectus that is available only to issuers qualified under National Instrument 44-101, Short Form Prospectus Distributions.  The shelf prospectus, which contains general information about the issuer and its securities, covers all offerings (other than rights offerings) that the issuer may undertake during the ensuing 25 months.  Information specific to a particular offering is provided by way of a shelf prospectus supplement that is filed and delivered to investors at the time of doing the offering.

Recent developments

No developments since 2001.

Note: The summary does not include consequential amendments made as the result of other projects. For details on the history of this Instrument, please refer to the OSC’s Web site.

Amendments under consideration

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.