IIRC calls for participants in its Integrated Reporting Pilot Programme
16 Jun, 2011
The International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) has called for expressions of interest from companies interested in participating in its Integrated Reporting Pilot Programme.
The Pilot Programme is designed to assist the IIRC in the development of the Integrated Reporting framework over coming years. The IIRC hopes to test the principles and practicalities of Integrated Reporting through the Pilot Programme, with a view to creating a new global standard in Integrated Reporting in due course. The IIRC is intending to issue a Discussion Paper on Integrated Reporting in the third quarter of 2011.
The Pilot Programme is being conducted in three phases. The deadline for lodgement of expressions of interest by companies willing to participate in all phases of the Pilot Programme is 30 June 2011, with expressions of interest for those wishing to join later stages of the programme closing on 29 July 2011.
Click for more information (link to IIRC website).