Call for tender to take stock of the effects of using IFRSs in the EU
23 Jun, 2013
The European Commission has published a call for tender to take stock of and to assess the effects of using international financial reporting standards (IFRS) in the EU.
The subject matter of the contract is to provide the European Commission with a general analysis of the impacts of 8 years of use of international financial reporting standards (IFRSs) in the EU for preparers and users of financial statements from the private sector. The study will include an overall assessment of whether the Regulation 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council ('IAS Regulation') has met the two-fold initial objectives of ensuring a high degree of transparency and comparability of the financial statements of European companies and an efficient functioning of the market, in comparison with the situation before IFRS implementation in 2005.
It will also include a cost-benefit analysis and an assessment and analysis of the benefits and drawbacks brought by the IAS Regulation for different stakeholder groups.The study will support the Directorate General Internal Market and Services' objective to proceed with the evaluation of the IAS Regulation, to assess whether the implementation of the IFRSs in the EU has provided the expected benefits. It will determine whether the initial objectives of the IAS Regulation are still relevant and it will identify areas for improvement, if needed.
Please click for more information on the EU Comission website (available in all official languages of the EU).