IASB outreach events for conceptual framework - agenda papers available

  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image

26 Sep, 2013

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) will be hosting a series of public outreach events on its 'Conceptual Framework' Discussion Paper. The agenda papers for the round-table events in London have been posted on the IASB website.

The agenda for the meeting includes the following topics, which will be discussed in a similar format to all round table events:

  1. Measurement,
  2. Profit or loss and other comprehensive income, 
  3. Asset and liability definitions, recognition and derecognition, and
  4. General discussion: other areas.

Agenda papers for topics 1. and 3. have been made available already, the other papers will follow soon. All papers will be available through this IASB page.

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