IVSC consults on investment property
04 Feb, 2014
The International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) has issued two exposure drafts on investment property. Both spring from the publication of a discussion paper on the valuation of investment property that was published in December 2012.
In the discussion paper, various options for improving the way in which the standards relate to this class of real property were examined. After analysis of the comments made by respondents, the IVSC Standards Board tentatively agreed that the additional requirements for valuing investment property that had been identified as needing consideration would best be dealt with by making amendments to the existing IVS 200 Real Property Interests and by including a section of investment property in IVS 300 Valuations for Financial Reporting.
The discussion paper also raised the view that the current IVS 233 Investment Property under Construction is an anomaly among the standards series as it deals with a subset of an asset class and only a specific type of valuation required under limited circumstances. The Board is suggesting to withdraw the current IVS 233 and to replace it with more broadly based guidance on the valuation of any type of real property that is either in the course of construction or where construction is contemplated.
Comments on both exposure drafts are invited before 30 April 2014. They are available on the IVSC website: