FRC publishes fourth edition of quarterly newsletter on financial reporting
07 Nov, 2014
The Accounting and Reporting Policy team of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has published the fourth edition of its quarterly newsletter on financial reporting. The newsletter covers the period July 2014 to November 2014 and details the activities of the FRC since the last newsletter was published which covered the period February 2014 to June 2014.
The newsletter “Setting the Standard” covers the following key areas:
- A review of recent European developments, including an overview of the process for EU adoption of IFRSs, the transformation of EFRAG and the European Commission's current review of the IAS Regulation.
- Current activity around the 'Clear and concise' initiative. The newsletter highlights the recently published guidance on the preparation of a Strategic Report ‘Guidance on the Strategic Report’ and discusses some of the barriers in this area, such as disclosure requirements introduced through regulation.
- The FRC’s contribution to the International Accounting Standard Board’s (IASB’s) work to develop improvements to IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows, the new leasing standard and the IASB Disclosure Initiative.
- Recent activity of the Financial Reporting Lab including the publication of the report 'Towards Clear and Concise Reporting' and of the annual reminders for the 2014 reporting season.
- The issuance of the consultation document Accounting standards for small entities: Implementation of the EU Accounting Directive. The newsletter highlights that, under the new regime, which is expected to be effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016, small entities will be included within the scope of FRS 102, with a new Section 1A Small Entities setting out the presentation and disclosure requirements that apply to them.
- The release of XBRL Accounts Taxonomies for FRS 101, FRS 102 and full EU-adopted IFRS.
- The publication of the findings of the Conduct Committee's Corporate Reporting Review. The newsletter highlights that generally, and particularly for larger public companies, the quality of reporting is good, but a number of areas for improvement have been identified.
- A brief biography of two of the current members of the Accounting Council.
Please click here for the full newsletter on the FRC website.