New guide for disability reporting

  • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) (green) Image

12 Mar, 2015

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Fundación ONCE, the leading organisation of the European network for corporate social responsibility and disability, have jointly published 'Disability in Sustainability Reporting', a guide to help organisations communicate their commitment to respecting and promoting the rights of people with disabilities.

The guide is designed to help organisations understand what activities can have an impact, whether positive or negative, on the rights of people with disabilities, and which GRI disclosures can be used as the basis for reporting on those impacts. It can enhance organisational understanding of the value of transparency on disability, in terms of creating inclusive workplaces, as well as taking advantage of the business case of disability for the development of new products, services and physical environments. The guide also features a number of case studies from businesses all over the world that are making commitments and working to improve their disability related impacts.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures are increasingly required by governments and stock exchanges around the world, for example by the new 2014 European Union Directive on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information (the European Social Fund of the European Union is a co-sponsor of the guide). Accordingly, the Disability in Sustainability Reporting also contains a section with additional resources on CSR and human rights reporting.

GRI and Fundación ONCE will be hosting a series of webinars on the guide in May 2015.  More information on these is available on the GRI website.

Please click to download the guide from the GRI website. It is available in English and Spanish.


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