Pre-meeting summaries for the June IASB meeting
13 Jun, 2017
The IASB will meet at its offices in London on 21–22 June 2017. We have posted our pre-meeting summaries for the meeting that allow you to follow the IASB’s decision making more closely. For each topic to be discussed we summarise the agenda papers made available by the IASB staff and point out the main issues to be discussed by the IASB and the staff recommendations.
There are nine topics on the agenda.
Wednesday 21 June
The meeting begins with Disclosure Initiative: Materiality Practice Statement. The staff are responding to comments received as a result of an external review of the draft practice statement.
The next topic is Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates, and a recommendation to remove one of the examples in IAS 8.
The Board will continue its discussion of Primary Financial Statements, focusing on approaches for describing capital structure, developing a principles-based approach for EBIT, management-defined performance measures, adjusted earnings per share and presenting the share of equity method profits or losses.
In the afternoon session the Board will look at rate-regulation examples and how the proposed model would apply to them.
The day concludes with Conceptual Framework discussion about limitations on what may constitute a reporting entity in situations when the reporting entity is not a legal entity.
Thursday 22 June
The meeting continues on Thursday morning with IFRS Implementation Issues, including a proposal to provide special transitional arrangements when an entity changes an accounting policy as a consequence of an IFRS Interpretations Committee agenda decision.
The Board will discuss the feedback from the comment letters on the proposed amendment to IFRS 9 on prepayment features with negative compensation, including the likely effective date.
The education sessions on dynamic risk management continue, focusing on a high-level illustration of the dynamic aspect of dynamic risk management.
The meeting concludes with a further discussion of the definition of a business.
More information
Our pre-meeting summaries are available on our June meeting note page and will be supplemented with our popular meeting notes after the meeting.