We comment on six IFRS Interpretations Committee tentative agenda decisions
22 Nov, 2018
We have published our comment letters on IFRS Interpretations Committee tentative agenda decisions related to IAS 27, IAS 37, IFRS 9, IFRS 11, and IFRS 15, as published in the September 2018 IFRIC Update.
More information about the issues is set out below:
Issue |
Agenda decision supported? |
More information |
IAS 27 — Investment in a subsidiary accounted for at cost — partial disposal |
Yes; although we do not find the analogies to IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures and to the investment entity requirements of IAS 27 persuasive in terms of the recognition of any difference between cost and fair value when IFRS 9 Financial Instruments is first applied |
IAS 27 — Investment in a subsidiary accounted for at cost — step acquisition |
Yes |
IAS 37 — Payments relating to taxes other than income tax |
Yes |
IFRS 9 — Application of the highly probable requirement in a cash flow hedge relationship |
Yes |
IFRS 11 — Liabilities in relation to a joint operator’s interest in a joint operation |
Yes; however, we believe additional clarity could be added by specifying that (a) in the circumstances described in the tentative agenda decision, the lead operator has primary responsibility for the lease liability; and (b) the Committee did not opine on the accounting for any contractual arrangements which may exist between joint operators in respect of a leased asset. |
IFRS 15 — Assessment of promised goods or services |
Yes |
Click to access all our comment letters to the IASB, IFRS Foundation, and IFRS Interpretations Committee.