EFRAG seeks members for new Advisory Panel

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

15 Mar, 2023

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) is seeking candidates to join its new Advisory Panel on Connectivity between Financial and Sustainability Reporting Information (EFRAG CAP).

The objective of the EFRAG CAP is to advise the EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG) on EFRAG’s proactive research project on the connectivity between financial reporting and sustainability reporting information. EFRAG CAP members will share their perspectives and practical experience regarding connectivity matters, in order to help EFRAG identify, assess and prioritise connectivity themes, identify related good reporting practices and develop possible approaches to enhance connectivity.

The EFRAG CAP will comprise around 15 to 20 members and is expected to include preparers of financial statements/sustainability reports, users of financial statements/sustainability reports, assurance services providers, academics and regulators.  The EFRAG CAP is expected to meet at least three times a year (including once in-person) and to start its activities from May 2023.

Submissions hould be made by 10 April 2023.  For more information, please see the press release on the EFRAG website.

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