Financial Instruments Puttable at Fair Value and Obligations Arising on Liquidation
At its September 2007 meeting, the Board decided to proceed with a revised approach to the Exposure Draft Financial Instruments Puttable at Fair Value and Obligations Arising on Liquidation and to discuss the proposed amendments at a public roundtable meeting. You can find Deloitte's report on that meeting Here.
The Board agreed that the roundtable discussions will take place in London on 12 November 2007. The discussions will be open to the public.
Participants will be asked to respond to the following questions:
- Does the staff draft address the types of financial instruments that should be addressed in a short-term limited-scope project? If not, what instruments should be addressed and why?
- Are the proposals operational? If not, why not and what changes would you propose?
- Are there any issues that are not addressed in the staff draft that should be addressed? If so, what are they and why should they be addressed?
One Board member noted that that it was important to clarify that the purpose of the roundtable was exclusively to discuss the proposed amendments and not to raise additional issues. No Board member objected to that statement.