IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting — 24 March 2015

Start date:

End date:

Location: London

IFRS IC meeting (blue)

The IFRS Interpretations Committee will meet at the IASB's offices in London on 24 March 2015. The Committee will:

  • continue discussion of issues arising on IAS 21, IAS 12, and IFRS 5;
  • consider finalising tentative agenda decisions on IFRS 11, IFRS 10, IAS 12, and IAS 19;
  • consider a new issue on IFRIC 14.

Agenda for the meeting

TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015 (10:00-16:15)

Opening remarks, administrative matters, and meeting minutes of the January meeting

Items for continuing consideration

  • IAS 21
    • Revenue transaction denominated in foreign currency
  • IAS 12
    • Recognition of deferred tax assets for unrealised losses
    • Proposed amendments to IAS 12

Finalisation of tentative agenda decisions

  • IFRS 11
    • Classification of joint arrangements: the assessment of ‘other facts and circumstances’
    • Classification of joint arrangements: application of ‘other facts and circumstances’ to specific fact patterns
    • Classification of joint arrangements: consideration of two joint arrangements with similar features that are classified differently
    • Accounting by the joint operator: recognition of revenue by a joint operator
    • Accounting by the joint operator: the accounting treatment when the joint operator’s share of output purchased differs from its share of ownership interest in the joint operation
    • Accounting in separate financial statements: accounting by the joint operator in its separate financial statements
    • Accounting by the joint operation: Accounting by the joint operation that is a separate vehicle in its financial statements
  • IFRS 10
    • Single-asset, single lessee lease vehicles and the assessment of control (when does the lender or lessee consolidate)
    • Control of a structured entity involving an operating lease
    • Control of a structured entity by a junior lender involving a finance lease
  • IAS 12
    • Selection of applicable tax rate for measurement of deferred tax relating to an investment in an associate
  • IAS 19
    • Should longevity swaps held under a defined benefit scheme be measured at fair value as part of a plan asset or on another basis as a 'qualifying insurance contract'

New issue

  • IFRIC 14
    • Should an entity assume continuation of a minimum funding requirement?

Items for continuing consideration

  • IFRS 5
    • Issues relating to the requirements for scope and presentation in IFRS 5

Administrative session: Work in progress

 Agenda papers from this meeting are available on the IASB's website.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.