IAS 24 Disclosure of emoluments to key management personnel

Date recorded:


Paragraph IN5 of IAS 24 (as revised in 2003) states that a main change in IAS 24 (2003) from the previous version (1994) was that “The Standard requires disclosure of the compensation of key management personal”. The IFRIC was asked to consider whether, based on this introductory remark, it was possible to infer that IAS 24 (1994) did not require disclosure of compensation of key management personnel.


Decision not to add

September 2004



The IFRIC noted that the comments in the Introduction of IAS 24 (2003) were made to highlight explicitly that disclosure of key management personnel was required, given that the 2002 Exposure Draft had proposed eliminating this disclosure. This was not a change from the requirements of IAS 24 (1994). IAS 24 (1994) had no specific exemption for the disclosure on management compensation.

Accordingly, IAS 24 (1994) required an entity to disclose key management personnel compensation, given they met the definition of a related party. No interpretation was considered necessary.

IFRIC reference: IAS 24

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