IASC Foundation 2004 annual review is published
19 Jun 2005
The IASC Foundation has published its annual review for 2004. The report may be Downloaded from IASB's Website (PDF 1,486k).
The report includes a review by IASCF Chairman Paul A. Volcker of the trustees' activities during 2004, with emphasis on the constitution review and financing the operations of the IASB, IFRIC, SAC, and IASCF. Also included is a 10-page report from Sir David Tweedie, IASB Chairman, He noted that the IASB's three major objectives during 2004 were:
- To provide a stable platform of acceptable standards for companies changing to IFRSs in 2005
- To continue, and accelerate, the convergence programme with FASB and other standard-setters
- To encourage other jurisdictions to join those who either allow or require IFRSs to be used by domestic companies