IASB plans 2005 'roadshows' in Europe

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01 Mar 2005

The IASB has announced that in 2005 it will be organising a series of 'roadshows' jointly with national standard setters in Europe.

Each roadshow will typically consist of a series of 3-hour meetings with 20 or so CFOs and CAOs at a time, as well as a press briefing. The purpose of the roadshows will be "to engage in a high-level, interactive, and convivial discussion about the Board's current and future projects". Roadshows are currently being planned for Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. A second group of roadshows will take place later in 2005 in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Portugal, and Romania.

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