Adherence to global standards
13 Jun 2006
In his remarks on (PDF 77k) at a conference in Dublin yesterday, Charlie McCreevy, the European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, spoke about the 'competitive edge' that IFRSs bring to European capital markets: .
The EU's openness is exemplified in our decision to adhere to high quality global standards. To give just two examples, since the 1st of January 2005, listed companies throughout the EU have been obliged to prepare their financial statements in compliance with IFRS. And next year, the Capital Requirements Directive, which implements the Basel II regime, will enter into force. Being an early mover to such highly regarded international standards can provide a decisive competitive edge in attracting economic activity, as well as in facilitating the expansion of EU companies abroad. And incidentally, the rest of the world is basically following our lead, and adopting IAS or IAS-type standards.
Given our commitment to these stringent global standards, it is only right that the EU, through the European Commission, should continue to play a leading role in international rule-making and standard-setting bodies, in order to ensure that the best interests of European businesses and citizens, who abide by these rules, are rigorously defended.