Bruns, McGregor, Yamada reappointed to IASB

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12 Jun 2006



Mr. McGregor

Mr. Yamada

Following a recommendation of their nominating committee, the Trustees of the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation, under which the IASB operates, voted unanimously to reappoint three members of the International Accounting Standards Board to five-year terms beginning 1 July 2006 and ending 30 June 2011. The three Board members are Hans-Georg Bruns, Warren McGregor, and Tatsumi Yamada. Click for Press Release (PDF 60k). The Trustees had previously announced that IASB Chairman Sir David Tweedie has been reappointed to a five-year term beginning 1 July 2006.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.