Agenda project pages updated
18 Dec 2007
We have updated the following IASB agenda project pages to reflect the discussions and decisions at the IASB's meeting on 11-14 December 2007.
- Agenda Overview and Timetable
- Amendment to IFRS 5 – Distributions to Owners
- Annual Improvements to IFRSs - 2008
- Common Control Transactions (new agenda project page)
- Conceptual Framework: Phase A – Objectives and Qualitative Characteristics
- Conceptual Framework: Phase B – Elements and Recognition
- Emission Trading Schemes (new agenda project page)
- Fair Value Measurements
- Financial Instruments – Derecognition Research Project
- Liabilities: Amendments to IAS 37
- Liabilities and Equity
- Management Commentary
- Post-employment Benefits
- Preface to IFRSs
- Puttable Financial Instruments and Obligations Arising on Liquidation
- Revenue Recognition