No political interference in accounting standards
12 Nov 2008
The International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) has issued a public statement on the global financial crisis. The statement, released ahead of the 15 November 2008 international summit on the crisis, calls on the leaders involved to include strengthened corporate governance as part of a package of measures aimed at restoring confidence to markets.
ICGN members are largely institutional investors who collectively represent funds under management in excess of US$15 trillion. The ICGN statement expressly rejects any political interference in setting accounting standards:
Accounting standards: There must be no political interference in setting accounting standards. The fair value approach has been blamed for encouraging pro-cyclicality. Investors generally support fair value that delivers a picture of what is actually happening. There are some challenges to address, but abandoning this approach would damage confidence in financial reporting. It is important to recognise that there is a difference between fair value used for reporting and fair value used to measure the need for regulatory capital. Accounting standards also need to be clearer about when off-balance sheet business should be reported.
Click to view the Public Statement on the Global Financial Crisis (PDF 62k).