Deloitte publications update
22 Mar 2011
The following Deloitte publications are now available:
Global publications
- IFRIC Review: March 2011 – summarises the meeting of the IFRS Interpretations Committee on 10-11 March 2011
- Updated IASB Project Insights:
- Fair value measurement (PDF 63k)
- Financial instruments - hedge accounting (PDF 65k)
- Insurance contracts (PDF 102k)
- Leases (PDF 110k)
Deloitte (Belgium)
- IFRS informatiebrief – Nummer 18 (Dutch, PDF 194k) and Bulletin d'information IFRS – Numéro 18 (French, PDF 373k) - latest news and latest developments regarding IFRS and its possible impact on financial reporting in Belgium and wider Europe
Deloitte (Canada)
- iGAAP: IFRS for Canada, Third edition - a comprehensive reference book on the transition of Canadian GAAP to IFRS. It includes expanded Canadian content and reflects current thinking in key industries and includes Canadian IFRS issues specific to oil and gas, mining, and rate-regulated industries. More information about the publication and ordering can be found Here.