IFRS Foundation translations
24 Jul 2013
The IFRS Foundation has announced the publication of Armenian, Japanese and Russian translations.
Click to access the following:
- Armenian translation of the 2012 consolidated, unaccompanied IFRSs issued at 1 January 2012 (accessible via the IASB's Official IFRS Translations webpage)
- Japanese translations of the following Exposure Drafts, which are available on the IASB's 'Comment on a proposal' webpage.
- Defined Benefit Plans: Employee Contributions (Proposed amendments to IAS 19), issued in English by the IASB in March 2013.
- Regulatory Deferral Accounts, issued in English by the IASB in April 2013.
- Leases, issued in English by the IASB in May 2013.
- Russian translation of the 2013 consolidated, unaccompanied IFRSs without early application (accessible via the IASB's Official IFRS Translations webpage)