Principales noticias internacionales del entorno de las normas de información financiera
10 Oct 2013
The Mexican standard-setter Consejo Mexicano de Normas de Información Financiera (CINIF) regularly publishes a Spanish language overview of major international news on financial reporting standards. The issue for September 2013 is now available.
It covers developments at the IASB, FASB, AICPA, EFRAG, SEC, and GLENIF/GLASS with developments at the IFAC, AOSSG, PAFA, ASAF, GRI, IIRC, IPSASB, and IVSC also mentioned if considered relevant.
The CINIF has collected the information presented from a variety of publicly available sources. We are pleased that IAS Plus together with the IASB's website is mentioned as one of the top sources of information.
Please click to download Principales noticias internacionales del entorno de las normas de información financiera del mes de septiembre de 2013 or access the archive of all issues (links to the CINIF website).