New French translations available
27 Jun 2014
The IFRS Foundation has made available French translations of the core materials from '2014 International Financial Reporting Standards' (the 'Red Book') and the recent exposure draft of proposed amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28.
The French translations of 2014 International Financial Reporting Standards correspond to the core text used for the adoption of IFRSs into law, but do not include the accompanying material such as the Bases for Conclusions and Illustrative Examples. The translations are presented a series of PDF files (for each pronouncement) and can be accessed by eIFRS subscribers on the IASB's website.
Also published is Exposé-sondage: Entités d’investissement : Application de l’exception à la consolidation (projet de modification d’IFRS 10 et d’IAS 28), a translation of Exposure Draft ED/2014/2 Investment Entities: Applying the Consolidation Exception (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28), published by the IASB in English in June 2014.