Joint webinar on the IASB exposure draft on disclosure requirements
26 Nov 2021
EFRAG, BusinessEurope, and the IASB will host a joint webinar on 10 December 2021 on the IASB’s exposure draft 'Disclosure Requirements in IFRS Standards—A Pilot Approach (Proposed amendments to IFRS 13 and IAS 19)'.
The joint webinar will inform constituents about the IASB/EFRAG field test results as speakers and panellists will discuss the application of the IASB proposals and their experience during the field test. Audit implications will also be discussed along with a first reaction from the users. Interested preparers that could not participate in the field test will also have the opportunity to provide their input.
For more information and registration, please see the press release on the EFRAG website. A programme for the event is available here.
Note: A summary report of the event is available here.