IASB issues podcast on latest Board developments (February 2022)
03 Mar 2022
The IASB has released a podcast featuring IASB Chair Andreas Barckow and IASB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd discussing deliberations at the February 2022 IASB meeting.
Highlights of the podcast include discussions on:
- an update on the agenda consultation and developments in the project on financial instruments with characteristics of equity;
- decisions as a result of the post-implementation review of IFRS 10-12 and in the development of the IFRS for SMEs exposure draft;
- deliberations in the projects on primary financial statements and rate-regulated activities; and
- feedback on the projects on dynamic risk management and the targeted standards level review of disclosures.
The podcast can be accessed through the press release on the IASB website.
Please click to view the detailed notes taken by Deloitte observers for the IASB meeting.