G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' statement notes ISSB progress

  • G20 (lt green) Image

28 Feb 2023

The G20 has issued a meeting summary of the First G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting held in Bangalore on 24-25 February 2023.

The statement takes note of the progress made by the ISSB and also notes a progress report that is expected later this year:

  • "We look forward to the early finalization of standards by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) for climate-related financial disclosures, and its work beyond climate."
  • "[The] FSB, in coordination with the ISSB and IOSCO, [is] to prepare a report on the progress of jurisdictions and firms on climate-related financial disclosures by October 2023."

Please click to access the full statement on the G20 website.


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