AASB issues 'RDR' proposals for AASB 12 and AASB 127

  • AASB (Australian Accounting Standards Board) (lt blue) Image

31 Aug 2011

The AASB has issued ED 216 'AASB 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities: Tier 2 Proposals' and ED 217 'AASB 127 Separate Financial Statements: Tier 2 Proposals', which set out the disclosures in AASB 12 and AASB 127 from which it is proposed entities applying Tier 2 'Reduced Disclosure Requirements' (RDR) should be exempt. An analysis of ED 216 and an analysis of ED 217 in relation to the proposed reduced disclosure requirements are available on the AASB website.

The proposals follow on from the release of six new Standards on 31 August 2011, implementing in Australia equivalent requirements to the suite of five standards issued by the IASB in May 2011.

Comments are due to the AASB by 30 November 2011. Click for AASB announcement (link to AASB website).

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