IFRS in Focus — IASB proposes changes to the presentation of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
On 27 May 2010, the International Accounting Standards Board, (IASB) published ED/2010/5 Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income (proposed amendments to IAS 1).
The ED is the result of a joint project with the Financial Accounting Standards Board. It proposes a limited amendment to IAS 1 regarding the presentation of items contained in other comprehensive income (OCI) and their classification within OCI.
The ED proposes the following:
- Presentation of profit or loss and OCI as separate components in a single financial statement
- Separate presentation in OCI of items that will be reclassified to profit or loss in a subsequent period.
The ED does not change the items that must be reported in OCI, but focuses on their presentation within the OCI section of the single, continuous statement.