Lease accounting survey — Preparing for implementation

Published on: 05 Feb 2014

The new lease accounting standard proposed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) fundamentally changes the rules that govern accounting for both equipment and real estate leases. Under the FASB proposal, companies would be required to recognise the assets and liabilities resulting from leases of more than 12 months in duration based on the present value of lease payments. Among its many provisions, the proposed lease accounting standard also affects the disclosure requirements for the recognition of lease-related expenses and income.

To better understand the expected impacts and implementation issues that may result from the FASB’s proposed lease accounting standard, Deloitte conducted a survey in June 2013 of 138 executives at companies that are lessees or lessors. The companies participating represented a wide variety of industries, including 44 percent with annual revenues of $500 million or greater (“larger companies”), and 56 percent with annual revenues of less than $500 million (“smaller companies”). The current survey follows a 2011 Deloitte survey of real estate lessees and lessors about the first lease accounting exposure draft.

Learn more about the survey’s findings, including how companies generally remain no more prepared to comply with the new standard than they were two years ago, by downloading the report below.


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