International Accounting Standards

International Accounting Standards (IASs) were issued by the antecedent International Accounting Standards Council (IASC), and endorsed and amended by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The IASB will also reissue standards in this series where it considers it appropriate.

# Name Issued
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements 2007*
IAS 2 Inventories 2005*
IAS 3 Consolidated Financial Statements
Superseded in 1989 by IAS 27 and IAS 28
IAS 4 Depreciation Accounting
Withdrawn in 1999
IAS 5 Information to Be Disclosed in Financial Statements
Superseded by IAS 1 effective 1 July 1998
IAS 6 Accounting Responses to Changing Prices
Superseded by IAS 15, which was withdrawn December 2003
IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows 1992
IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors 2003
IAS 9 Accounting for Research and Development Activities
Superseded by IAS 38 effective 1 July 1999
IAS 10 Events After the Reporting Period 2003
IAS 11 Construction Contracts
Superseded by IFRS 15 as of 1 January 2017
IAS 12 Income Taxes 1996*
IAS 13 Presentation of Current Assets and Current Liabilities
Superseded by IAS 1 effective 1 July 1998
IAS 14 Segment Reporting
Superseded by IFRS 8 effective 1 January 2009
IAS 15 Information Reflecting the Effects of Changing Prices
Withdrawn December 2003
IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment 2003*
IAS 17 Leases
Superseded by IFRS 16 effective 1 January 2019
IAS 18 Revenue
Superseded by IFRS 15 effective 1 January 2017
IAS 19 Employee Benefits (1998)
Superseded by IAS 19 (2011) effective 1 January 2013
IAS 19 Employee Benefits (2011) 2011*
IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance 1983
IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates 2003*
IAS 22 Business Combinations
Superseded by IFRS 3 effective 31 March 2004
IAS 23 Borrowing Costs 2007*
IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures 2009*
IAS 25 Accounting for Investments
Superseded by IAS 39 and IAS 40 effective 2001
IAS 26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans 1987
IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements (2011) 2011
IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
Superseded by IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27 (2011) effective 1 January 2013
IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (2011) 2011
IAS 28 Investments in Associates
Superseded by IAS 28 (2011) and IFRS 12 effective 1 January 2013
IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies 1989
IAS 30 Disclosures in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial Institutions
Superseded by IFRS 7 effective 1 January 2007
IAS 31 Interests In Joint Ventures
Superseded by IFRS 11 and IFRS 12 effective 1 January 2013
IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation 2003*
IAS 33 Earnings Per Share 2003*
IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting 1998
IAS 35 Discontinuing Operations
Superseded by IFRS 5 effective 1 January 2005
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets 2004*
IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 1998
IAS 38 Intangible Assets 2004*
IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
Superseded by IFRS 9 where IFRS 9 is applied
IAS 40 Investment Property 2003*
IAS 41 Agriculture 2001


The above table lists the most recent version (or versions if a pronouncement has not yet been superseded) of each pronouncement and the date that revisions was originally issued. Where a pronouncement has been reissued with the same or a different name, the date indicated in the above table is the date the revised pronouncement was reissued (these are indicated with an asterisk (*)). The majority of the pronouncements have also been amended through IASB or IFRS Interpretations Committee projects, for consequential amendments arising on the issue of other pronouncements, the annual improvements process, and other factors. Our page for each pronouncement has a full history of the pronouncement, its development, amendments and other information.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.