Conforming Amendments to the Other Standards relating to the new Quality Management Standards – AASB

Date recorded:

At its meeting on June 6-7, 2022, the AASB discussed a letter received from one of its stakeholders regarding Canadian Standard on Quality Management (CSQM) 1. The stakeholder asked the AASB to consider deferring the effective date, citing several reasons. The AASB acknowledged and understood the implementation challenges its stakeholder raised. After a thorough discussion, however, the Board concluded that deferring the effective date of CSQM 1 would not be in the public interest. The Board and staff will continue to engage with and support those responsible for developing standards implementation guidance, tools, and training to explore what more can be done to support the implementation of CSQM 1.

Review the Executive Summary on the AASB's Web site.

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