Listed Entities and PIEs – AASB
At its meeting on September 8-9, 2022, the AASB discussed its draft response to the IAASB’s Exposure Draft. Key issues discussed included: whether the auditor’s report is the appropriate mechanism for publicly disclosing when the auditor has applied relevant ethical requirements for independence for certain entities in performing the audits of financial statements; the proposed revisions to ISA 700 (Revised) and ISA 260 (Revised); whether the IAASB should consider revisions to ISRE 2400 (Revised) to address transparency about the ethical requirements for independence applied for certain entities; and the proposed effective date of the revisions to ISA 700 (Revised) and ISA 260 (Revised). The IAASB’s deadline for comments on its Exposure Draft is October 4, 2022. The AASB will respond by this date.
Review the Executive Summary on the AASB's Web site.