IASB Agenda Consultation 2015 - IASB
At its meeting on May 17-19, 2016, the IASB reviewed the draft work plan strategy and generally agreed with this draft subject to a number of amendments. The Board considered the components of the draft work plan project-by-project and agreed with the staff's recommendation that there should be no changes to the topics included on the standards-level work plan. In addition, the Board reviewed the research section of the draft work plan and requested a number of amendments. Of note, The Board tentatively decided to confirm the proposal that the interval between the completion of one agenda consultation and the commencement of the next should be extended from three to, at the latest, five years after completion of the previous agenda consultation. The Board's work plan strategy and revised draft work plan will be discussed at the June 2016 meeting of the IFRS Advisory Council. The staff will include advice received at the Advisory Council meeting in a revised draft work plan for discussion by the Board at its July 2016 meeting.
Review the IASB Update on the IASB's Web site.