Rate-regulated Activities – International Accounting Standards Board

Date recorded:

At its meeting on July 22-25, 2019, the Board continued its discussion of the accounting model being developed for regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities, including:

  1. interactions between the model and IFRS 3, Business Combinations;
  2. application of the model in certain situations;
  3. whether the consultation document would be an exposure draft or a discussion paper (the Board concluded that it would be an exposure draft); and
  4. an effects analysis.

The Board reviewed the due process steps it has taken in developing the model and concluded that they are satisfied that the Board has complied with applicable due process steps and instructed the staff to prepare an exposure draft for balloting. The Board also decided to set a comment period of 120 days for the exposure draft. The staff expects the Board to discuss a number of remaining issues at its September meeting and that the exposure draft will be issued for comment in Q1/2020.

Review the IASB Update and podcast on the Board's Web site.

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