General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information – International Sustainability Standards Board

Date recorded:

At its meeting on January 17-19, 2023, the ISSB met to redeliberate some of the proposals in its Exposure Draft IFRS S1. The ISSB discussed and made tentative conclusions with respect to: (i) the proposed objective for disclosing metrics and targets; (ii) the proposed requirements for an entity to disclose its judgements, assumptions and estimates; (iii) the concept of ‘reasonable and supportable information that is available at the reporting date without undue cost or effort’ and whether and how to introduce this concept in IFRS S1; (iv) the proposed requirement for an entity to disclose information about sustainability-related opportunities in circumstances when that information may be commercially sensitive; (v) the proposed requirements for an entity to disclose current and anticipated financial effects of sustainability-related risks and opportunities; and (vi) the proposed requirements on connected information. The ISSB will continue to redeliberate the proposals in draft IFRS S1 with the aim of making final decisions about the content, including the effective date.

Review the ISSB Update and podcast on the Board's Web site.

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