
IFRS - AcSB Image

AcSB Response – Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates (Proposed amendments to IAS 8)

Jan 11, 2018

On January 11, 2018, the Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) submitted a comment letter responding to the IASB’s Exposure Draft  issued in September 2017. The letter agrees with some parts of the proposals, but expresses concerns with the way the relationship between accounting estimates and accounting policies is described.

The AcSB suggests broadening the definition of accounting estimates, and defining that term independently from accounting policies to reduce unintended circularity. To improve application in practice, the AcSB strongly encourages the IASB to develop illustrative examples that cover a spectrum of complex situations.

Read the AcSB letter posted by the IASB.

United States Image

NYSE Annual Corporate Governance Letter

Jan 10, 2018

On January 10, 2018, the staff of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Regulation released a guidance memo for important rules and policies applicable to companies listed on the NYSE.

The letter covers the following:

  • Effectiveness of Rule to Shorten the Settlement Cycle, which took effect on August 28, 2017;
  • Issuance of Material News in the Period Immediately After the Official Closing Time for the Exchange’s Trading Session, which took effect on December 4, 2017;
  • Advance Notice of Dividend or Stock Distribution Announcements to the Exchange, which will take effect February 1, 2018;
  • Annual Report Website Posting Requirement;
  • Corporate Governance Requirements; and
  • Important reminders for all issuers.

The letter is applicable to all listed issuers, with any rule or policy differences for Domestic vs. Foreign Private Issuers (“FPIs”) identified within.

Review the letter on the NYSE's website.


AICPA issues revenue working draft for broker-dealers

Jan 08, 2018

On January 8, 2018, the AICPA’s Revenue Recognition Task Force released for public comment a working draft on accounting issues associated with the implementation of the new revenue standard for broker-dealers.

The working draft addresses selling and distribution fee revenue. Comments on the working draft are due by March 1, 2018.

For more information, see the revenue recognition resource page on the AICPA’s Web site.

The working draft addresses selling and distribution fee revenue.

Comments on the working draft are due by March 1, 2018. For more information, see the revenue recognition resource page on the AICPA’s Web site.


Video summary of IPSASB consultation paper on accounting for revenue and non-exchange expenses

Jan 02, 2018

On January 2, 2018, the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) released a short video highlighting the concepts, proposals and IPSASB preliminary views contained in the consultation paper it released in August 2017 on the potential recognition and measurement approaches for revenue and non-exchange expenses.

The IPSASB also notes that the deadline for comments on the consultation paper is January 15, 2018.

View the video (approx. 30 minutes) on the IPSASB's website.

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Cryptocurrency-Related Securities Lawsuits: A Litigation Filing Trend for the New Year?

Dec 25, 2017

On December 25, 2017, the D&O Diary published an article on how even after the precipitous drop on Friday in the price of Bitcoin and other digital currencies, the developments during the past several months involving cryptocurrencies have to be one of the year’s top business stories.

Part of this year’s cryptocurrency story has to include the SEC’s increasingly active approach to policing digital currency trading, as well as the rising numbers of lawsuits filed against cryptocurrency sponsors. In recent weeks claimants have filed a number of cryptocurrency-related securities lawsuits.

Taken collectively, the lawsuits give the definite impression the skyrocketing prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have attracted a lot of questionable activity. The questionable activity has in turn in many cases led to litigation. Even the downturn on Friday in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could generate further litigation, as investors who lose money on their investment may be motivated to pursue their litigation alternatives.

Signs are that cryptocurrency related litigation will be one of the early litigation filing trends and the sudden surge at year end of these kinds of lawsuits in all likelihood will continue.

Review the full article on the D&O Diary's website.

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SEC offers guidance on accounting effects of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Dec 22, 2017

On December 22, 2017, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) No. 118 and Compliance and Disclosure Interpretation 110.02, which give companies some leeway as they prepare their quarterly financial statements after passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

The SEC issued SAB No. 118 laying out the views of the SEC staff about applying U.S. GAAP when preparing an initial accounting of the income tax effects of the Act. It also issued Compliance and Disclosure Interpretation 110.02, which gives the views of the SEC staff about the applicability of  Item 2.06 of Form 8-K in terms of reporting the impact of a change in tax rate or tax laws in terms of the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Review the full article on Accounting Today's website.

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Canada needs to speed up efforts to green its energy and transport sectors

Dec 19, 2017

On December 19, 2017, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released its third Environmental Performance Review of Canada.

According to the report, Canada needs to quickly implement planned measures to reduce the carbon intensity of its energy industry, particularly in oil sands, and green its transport sector in order to progress towards its 2030 emissions goals.

The report states that although Canada has reached a stage where it can grow its economy without driving up energy use, air pollution and emissions, it remains the second most carbon-intensive OECD country (after Estonia) and the fourth-biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. Rising emissions from transport and oil production mean that overall, Canada’s emissions have declined by just 1.5% since 2000 compared with an average decrease of 4.7% across the OECD area.

Key recommendations in the Review include:

  • Ensure effective and timely implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework and establish a mechanism for policy evaluation and adjustment.
  • Improve consultation with Indigenous communities on environmental issues and build their capacity to meaningfully participate in decision making.
  • Co-ordinate sub-national climate policy and foster links between provincial carbon pricing systems. Exemptions aimed at smoothing the transition should be temporary and limited.
  • Review and adjust tax, royalty and subsidy regimes that encourage fossil fuel production to meet a pledge to phase out by 2025 inefficient subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption.
  • Review the taxation of energy use. In particular, reduce the petrol-diesel gap and revise taxes on fuel-inefficient vehicles to encourage the purchase of lower-emission vehicles.
  • Press ahead with the Canada-US commitment to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector, regardless of a US decision not to implement the commitment.
  • Increase tariffs for wastewater services to secure funding for system upgrades.

Review the press release and the report on the OECD's website.

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ESG Integrated Ratio Guideline

Dec 15, 2017

On December 15, 2017, the Centre for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Research released the "Integrated Ratio Guideline", which aims to be a practical formula collection for companies, investors and analysts, to help them calculate a number of non-financial and integrated ratios, and notably what investors and analysts can use these ratios for to evaluate companies’ performance and risk profiles.

Today, there are no standardized non-financial ratios – or ESG ratios (Environmental, Social and Governance) as they are called in investor circles – nor any integrated ratios, which is the term for mixing financial and non-financial indicators when calculating ratios. This makes it difficult for users of financial statements, such as investors, banks, assets managers, and insurers, to use the extra information that stems from ESG data directly in their analyses of performance and risk profiles of companies.

In the guideline, a suggestion for new standard ESG and integrated ratios and notes will be defined.

This guideline is not a replacement of existing financial, non-financial, or integrated reporting frameworks, but rather a guideline on how to use the data that has already been published in accordance with these frameworks.

This guideline includes the definitions, ratios, and standard notes that were deemed useful and valuable by the end of 2017 by the Center for ESG Research.

Review the guideline on the ESG Research's website.

CPA Canada - Regulations Image

Could blockchain be an enabler for climate action?

Dec 14, 2017

On December 14, 2017, CPA Canada released a summary of an expert panel session it held, in collaboration with the University of Toronto’s Environmental Finance Advisory Committee (EFAC), to discuss whether blockchain as a decentralized, peer-to-peer ledger technology could transform carbon markets by providing a transparent and reliable way to track carbon emissions and credits.

Blockchain could begin an economic revolution, experts say. It initially caught attention as the technology supporting the digital currency Bitcoin. Now it’s being applied in the environmental space, most recently gaining recognition from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for its potential to boost climate action.

Review the summary and a short video on the CPA Canada's website.

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IESBA Meeting Highlights December 4 - 8 2017

Dec 13, 2017

On December 13, 2017, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) released the highlights of its December 4 - 8, 2017 meeting.

Discussion points included:

  • Structure of the Code and Safeguards
  • Part C of the IESBA Code
  • Professional Skepticism
  • Future Strategy and Work Plan 
  • Restructured Code - Roll-out Initiatives
  • Joint IAASB and IESBA Board Meeting
  • Joint Executive Session IAASB and IESBA Board Meeting

Review the highlights and the podcast on the IESBA's Web site.

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