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The Bruce Column — Moving towards a broader picture of stakeholder reporting

Nov 23, 2016

On November 23, 2016, Robert Bruce reports on a recent debate on the issues surrounding transparent corporate reporting.

In his column, he discusses how Melanie McLaren, Executive Director, Audit at the Financial Reporting Council, was launching an event at the Deloitte Academy to try and help pin down the many issues surrounding corporate reporting in a complicated, volatile, and ever-changing business world.

He mentions that McLaren is expecting a deep debate as a result of recent questions raised by politicians over the level of trust in business; the possibility of extending business representation to ordinary employees; a range of reporting, environmental and sustainability issues; and those of gender and pay. For her the reporting was what was important. ‘What gets reported drives behaviour’, she said.

Review the full article our UK Accounting Plus website.

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SEC chief accountant to retire; interim chief accountant to fill the position

Nov 22, 2016

On November 22, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that Chief Accountant James Schnurr will be retiring from the agency and will be succeeded by Wesley R. Bricker.

Mr. Schnurr began his tenure in October 2014, but suffered injuries from a serious bicycle accident in April 2016. Before joining the SEC staff, Mr. Schnurr had retired from Deloitte LLP, where he was vice chairman and senior professional practice director and specialized in financial and SEC reporting for public companies. He was a senior partner for mergers and acquisition services from 1994 to 2002 and a deputy managing partner of the firm’s professional practice from 2002 to 2009 where he was responsible for quality control and risk management of the firm’s audit and advisory services.

Mr. Bricker assumed the role of interim chief accountant in July 2016.

For more information, see the press releases on Mr. Schnurr’s retirement and Mr. Bricker’s appointment on the SEC’s Web site.

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Report on the October/November 2016 IFRS Advisory Council meeting

Nov 22, 2016

On November 22, 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) released a summary of the IFRS Advisory Council meeting held on October 31 and November 1, 2016. Significant topics on the agenda included (1) the scope of the Primary Financial Statements research project, (2) implementation support for the new insurance contracts standard, (3) key performance indicators for the IFRS Foundation, and (4) any implications of the Brexit for the IFRS Foundation.

The report — prepared by the Chair of the IFRS Advisory Council, Joanna Perry — notes the following discussions:

  • Scope of the Primary Financial Statements research project — The Members of the Council agreed that there is a tension between flexibility and comparability and although they supported providing more guidance, they warned against that guidance being too descriptive. Alternative performance measures were also discussed.
  • Implementation support for the new insurance contracts standard — The Members of the Council agreed that the use of a transition resource group is appropriate; however all of the available tools for implementation support should be used.
  • Key performance indicators for the IFRS Foundation — The Members of the Council considered and provided advice in relation to potential key performance indicators that could be used by the IFRS Foundation to monitor certain aspects of its work.
  • Implications of the Brexit for the IFRS Foundation — The Members of the Council agreed that although there is a lot of uncertainty, there are no immediate matters that the IFRS Foundation needs to address.

The full report on the council’s October/November meeting is available on the IASB's website.

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CIPFA seeks comments on paper exploring accounting for the cloud

Nov 22, 2016

On November 22, 2016, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has, in response to a request from its members and their employers, begun a process of looking at issues raised by "accounting for the cloud".

As a first step, it has produced a paper which explores some of the accounting issues involved and invites comments from interested parties to see if additional guidance would be helpful. 

Review the paper on the CIPFA's website.


IASB issues 'Investor Update' newsletter

Nov 21, 2016

On November 21, 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued the eleventh edition of its newsletter “Investor Update,” which provides investors with quick access to information about current accounting and financial reporting topics.

This issue features:

  • Views from Dennis Jullens, Lecturer at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and a Capital Markets Advisory member.
  • A look at the amendments to IFRS 4 arising from the implementation of IFRS 9.
  • An update on the IASB work plan.
  • In­for­ma­tion on current events and investor feedback.

The Investor Update newslet­ter is available on the IASB’s website.

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How Corporations Will Spend Their Huge Piles of Overseas Cash, According to Goldman Sachs

Nov 21, 2016

On November 21, 2016, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. wrote that companies in the S&P 500 Index will spend most of their sizable cash hoard buying back stock next year. If so, it would be only the second time in the past 20 years that buybacks have accounted for the largest share of cash usage.

Much of this, Goldman says, would be due to the enacting of plans President-elect Donald Trump proposed on the campaign trail, such as a tax holiday for overseas income and changes to the corporate tax code.

Other areas that will see a boost include capital expenditures, research and development, as well and mergers and acquisitions.

Review the article on Bloomberg Market's website.

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The Bruce Column — Paul Druckman looks back over five years of achievement

Nov 18, 2016

On November 18, 2016, a video interview with Robert Bruce was released where he discusses how five years can bring about an immense amount of change. Paul Druckman has just stepped down as chief executive of the International Integrated Reporting Council.

In a video interview with Robert Bruce, Mr. Druckman reflects on what has been achieved in that time under his leadership.

Probably his most important achievement over those years is how the concept of integrated thinking is now moving towards being a mainstream benefit of an integrated reporting system. Under Druckman’s vigorous encouragement the reporting system which companies operate has evolved into something which is not just a means of communicating what a company has done and how it has done it, but a lead motivator for change within companies. He sees it as part of what he calls "a new information architecture" which will sit well alongside and within changing attitudes in the corporate governance world. Once everything was geared around the financials, he says. Now we are seeing a broader form of value creation with integrated reporting, a multi-capital system, which will drive a more inclusive and responsible capitalism. It is no longer simply about trust and KPIs, or about delivering a broader based prosperity. It’s about all three. And, he underlines, the momentum is probably unstoppable.


IASB updates work plan

Nov 18, 2016

On November 18, 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), following its November 2016 meeting, updated its work plan.

Changes to the work plan include:

Standard-setting and related projects

Narrow-scope amendments and IFRIC Interpretations

Agenda consultation

  • IASB Work Plan 2017–2021: Feedback statement on the 2015 Agenda Consultation was added to the work plan.

The revised IASB work plan is available on the IASB's website.

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Report from autumn 2016 IFASS meeting

Nov 17, 2016

On November 17, 2015, the International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters (IFASS) released a summary of its meeting held in London on September 27 and 28, 2016.

Hans Hoogervorst, Chairman of the IASB, delivered the opening address. He emphasized the importance of a good relationship between national standard-setters throughout the world and the IASB and stressed that the national standard-setters had important role to play with regard to implementation issues and connecting to local/regional constituents.

The following topics were discussed:

  • Future of IFASS (Part 1)
  • Professional Judgement and “Terms of Likelihood” under IFRS
  • Optional Session: Improvements to IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows
  • Future of IFASS (Part 2)
  • Towards a Framework for Corporate Reporting
  • Outreaches on IAS 26 and IFRS 13
  • Rate-regulated activities: The first part of this session was based on a paper currently under preparation by the Accounting Standards Board of Canada (AcSB). The reactions of participants were multi-faceted, they also provided information on the circumstances in their jurisdictions.
  • Not-for-profit-reporting
  • Public sector reporting

Review the full report on the IFASS' website.

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The Accountancy Profession: Fighting Fraud and Corruption

Nov 17, 2016

On November 17, 2016, the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) released an open letter by Olivia F. Kirtley, IFAC President, to His Holiness Pope Francis, outlining all that the profession has done to support his call to action, as she prepares to hand her office over to President-Elect Rachel Grimes.

Two years ago, following the 2014 World Congress of Accountants in Rome, Pope Francis invited thousands of professional accountants to a private audience at the Vatican and challenged the global profession’s leaders to do more in the global fight against fraud and corruption.

In his remarks, His Holiness said that in uncertain economic times, “There is a stronger temptation to defend one’s interest without concern for the common good, without paying much heed to justice and legality. For this reason everyone, especially those who practice a profession which deals with the proper functioning of a country’s economic life, is asked to play a positive, constructive role in performing their daily work.”

Ms. Kirtley’s letter stated, “I am pleased to report that following our meeting with you, IFAC has focused on intensifying the profession’s activities in several ways that we believe will have lasting impact in reducing both the supply and demand side of fraud and corruption.”

These efforts have been concentrated across three key fronts:

  1. Capacity Building
  2. Governance
  3. Public Sector Financial Management

Review the open letter on the IFAC's website.

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