
CPAB Image

CPAB 2015 Annual Report

Mar 31, 2016

On March 31, 2016, the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB) issued its 2015 Annual Report.

At December 31, 2015, 286 audit firms were registered with CPAB. During 2015, CPAB inspected 39 firms in total and 179 engagement files. For the 14 firms inspected annually, CPAB inspected 144 files and identified significant inspection findings in 43 of these files. In addition, CPAB inspected 35 files at 25 other firms and identified significant inspection findings in 28 files.

The majority of CPAB’s total significant inspection findings in 2015 required the audit firm to carry out additional audit procedures to verify there was no need to restate the financial statements due to material error. The remaining findings required the audit firms to add considerable evidence to the audit file to show they had obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to a major balance sheet item or transaction stream. The results of carrying out additional audit procedures resulted in 11 restatements or six per cent of files inspected.

Review the Annual Report on the CPAB's Web site.

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CPAB 2015 Annual Inspections Report and Highlights for Audit Committees

Mar 31, 2016

On March 31, 2016, the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB) issued its 2015 Annual Inspections Report and Highlights for Audit Committees and notes that, overall, audit quality was inconsistent across all firms. Inspections at nine of those firms resulted in more significant inspection findings compared to the previous year.

The majority of CPAB's total significant inspection findings in 2015 required the audit firm to carry out additional audit procedures to determine the need, if any, to restate the financial statements due to material error. The remaining findings required the audit firms to add considerable evidence to the audit file to show they had obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to a major balance sheet item or transaction stream.

The following audit quality themes noted in CPAB's November 2015 inspections report on the Big Four accounting firms also apply to the other firms inspected this year:

  • Executing audit fundamentals
  • Understanding business processes relevant to financial reporting
  • Complex accounting estimates
  • Internal controls
  • Professional judgment and skepticism
  • Identification of accounting issues

Review the press releasethe Annual Inspections Report and the Highlights for Audit Committees on the CPAB's Web site.

Leaf - sustainability (green) Image

Comparison of materiality definitions and approaches by Corporate Reporting Dialogue participants

Mar 30, 2016

On March 30, 2016, the Corporate Reporting Dialogue (CRD), which brings together organizations that have significant international influence on the corporate reporting landscape, issued a statement comparing the definitions and approaches to materiality by CRD participants.

The statement includes a comparison of materiality from the following organizations:

  • CDP
  • Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB)
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
  • International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

In October 2015, the IASB published an exposure draft on the concept of materiality, which explains and illustrates the concept of materiality and helps preparers of financial statements when applying the concept.

For more information, see the statement on the CRD’s website.

IFRS - SEC Image

Chief Accountant of the SEC comments on revenue recognition

Mar 24, 2016

On March 24, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released a speech from Jim Schnurr, Chief Accountant of the SEC, where he shared some of his thoughts and perspectives on the continuing transition activities for the new revenue standard at an accounting and reporting congress in Philadelphia.

One of the aspects Mr. Schnurr elaborated on was the status of the revenue transition resource group (TRG) formed jointly by the IASB and the FASB. In January this year, the IASB announced that it will no longer attend TRG meetings. The FASB declared in February that it will continue to address implementation issues and has scheduled three TRG meetings for 2016.

On this development, Mr. Schnurr commented:

While I am optimistic that the key practice issues that require standard setting have been identified through the implementation activities of preparers, auditors and standard setters, I am concerned that there are still a number of questions that would benefit from the TRG process. [...] Without joint participation of the IASB’s TRG in the coming scheduled FASB TRG meetings, there is a concern that IFRS 15 may be interpreted through a U.S. GAAP lens without the perspective of IFRS preparers.

He even went as far as suggesting that IFRS preparers could "provide input to the FASB staff and the FASB TRG participants to the extent they believe they have important factors that should be considered for discussion by the FASB TRG". At a minimum, he noted, he expected SEC registrants to monitor the TRG discussions and meeting minutes to inform their selection and implementation of reasonable policies.

Review the full text of Mr. Schnurr's speech on the SEC's website.

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2016-2017 federal budget highlights

Mar 22, 2016

On March 22, 2016, the Minister of Finance, Bill Morneau, presented the 2016-2017 budget in the House of Commons. In its first budget, the new government has expressed a commitment to growing the economy, creating jobs and strengthening the middle class.

The budget proposes $120 billion of investment in infrastructure and job creation over the next ten years, including significant investments in public transit, clean technology, and First Nations, Inuit Peoples and the Metis Nation.

Some of the key features of the budget plan were:

  • Mr. Morneau indicated that the deficit for 2015-2016 will be $5.4 billion while a deficit of $29.4 billion is predicted for 2016-2017. The deficit is projected to decline gradually reaching $14.3 billion by 2020-2021.
  • This budget proposes to keep the small business tax rate at 10.5 percent after 2016 rather than reducing this rate to 9% by 2019 as announced in the previous budget.
  • Where the exception to the deemed association corporation rules applies (i.e., an election not to be associated is made or the third corporation is not a CCPC), the budget proposes to make investment income derived from an associated corporation’s active business ineligible for the small business deduction and taxable at the general corporate tax rate.
  • This budget contains proposals regarding certain recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as set out in its final reports on its base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) initiative, released in October 2015. 

A summary of the economic and tax highlights contained in the budget is outlined in our Canadian tax alert

For further details, we refer you to the Ministry of Finance website.


IASB issues "Investor Update" newsletter

Mar 22, 2016

On March 22, 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued the ninth edition of its newsletter “Investor Update,” which provides investors with quick access to information about current accounting and financial reporting topics.

This issue fea­tures:

  • An interview with the President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Mr Jin Liqun.
  • An overview of key features in the new leases standard, IFRS 16.
  • Current pro­jects that need input from the in­vest­ment com­mu­nity.
  • A cal­en­dar of current events.

The In­vestor Update newslet­ter is avail­able on the IASB’s website.

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Recent sustainability reporting developments

Mar 22, 2016

On March 22, 2016, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) released "The Next Era of Corporate Disclosure: Digital, Responsible, Interactive," a digital publication that maps out the future of sustainability reporting and disclosure.

According to GRI, the future will involve new formats with organizations moving from annual reports to sustainability data exchange, while focusing on major challenges such as climate change and human rights. The publication is the culmination of the first year of GRI’s "Sustainability and Reporting 2025" project and provides insights from these discussions.

Review the report on the GRI's website.


IASB updates its work plan

Mar 18, 2016

On March 18, 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) released its updated work plan.

Updates regarding the im­ple­men­ta­tion projects are:

The revised IASB work plan is available on the IASB's website.


IASB webcast on IFRS 16 transition now available

Mar 18, 2016

On March 18, 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) made available a webcast related to IFRS 16 transition requirements for lessees, as part of its series on IFRS 16 implementation.

This webcast discusses the transition steps that a lessee is required to perform and includes highlights of available transition relief and the decisions that need to be made at each stage.

The webcast is available on the IFRS 16 implementation page on the IASB’s website.


IASB member discusses the disclosure initiative

Mar 18, 2016

On March 18, 2016, the International Accounting Standards Board member, Gary Kabureck, issued an article, “Footnotes of the Future — Reflections from the Disclosure Initiative.” In his article, he discusses the progress the Board has made to improve disclosure effectiveness and looks at the next steps for this project.

The article features:

  • Examples of how the amendments to IAS 1 in December 2014 helped preparers improve their financial reporting.
  • The importance of identifying the primary users.
  • An assessment of disclosure materiality.
  • Discussion on material and immaterial errors.

The full article is available on the IASB’s website.

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