Financial Reporting Insights - December 2017

Published on: Dec 19, 2017


NOCLAR, a whistleblower process with a twist or two...

An organization’s reputation is a key ingredient in establishing a company’s perceived value. In our current environment, even mere allegations of wrongdoing are enough to negatively impact a company’s market position. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that ethics are at the forefront of every CFO’s mind.

For companies to mitigate against damaging outcomes, they need to adopt a process that guides their employees to effectively deal with suspected cases of non-compliance, including whom they should speak with and when the should report it.

Join André Vincent, a partner and Chief Ethics Officer at Deloitte, as he discusses NOCLAR, a new standard regarding the disclosure of Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations, and its capabilities as a tool for supporting robust ethics programs. Organizations that can embrace it effectively will find themselves at an advantage – through greater accountability and protection of stakeholders.

Learn more about NOCLAR


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